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【推荐】Lance Armstrong: Run Longer跑步训练音乐

发表于 2011-1-12 21:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 F15 于 2011-4-25 23:37 编辑




  [00:00:09] 大家好!我是兰斯•阿姆斯特朗。在接下来的40分钟里,我将担任您的私人跑步教练。这项健身训练旨在提升你的耐力,强化你的肌肉,这样你就可以用更少的力跑得更远。把这项训练作为你日常生活的一部分,你就会成为一匹千里马。准备好开始了吗?我们先从简单的8分钟热身跑开始,然后你会遇到4次极限。你需要加速跑4分钟,然后恢复4分钟。加速4分钟,减速4分钟。非常简单,对吧?最后我们将以舒适的步调让身体冷静下来。我会告诉你什么时候改变速度,离结束还剩多少时间,所以请多多留心。好吧,我们开始!我们以一种比较自然的节奏开始跑,现在还不需要太用力,试着用一种温和的、稳定的节奏奔跑。
  [00:03:07] 现在你的双腿应该苏醒了,继续保持舒适的节奏奔跑。
  [00:06:59] 你现在应该感觉很棒。如果你没有这种感觉,别着急,训练因时而异。重要的是要坚持,用不了几分钟就要到第一次极限了。
  [00:08:46] 好,准备好开始奔跑了吗?让我们用你最大能力的80%来奔跑,也就是说,你坚持一段时间会感觉有些吃力,比如你无法进行交谈。准备好了吗?奋力奔跑4分钟。
  [00:10:00] 很好!试着找到能够再坚持3分钟的节奏。
  [00:11:01] 已经一半了! 保持力量和稳定。
  [00:12:30] 集中精神!只有30秒了!
  [00:12:57] 太好了!现在减速,恢复4分钟。最好不要一直减速到你热身时的速度,但要保持轻松的感觉,准备好迎接下一个极限。
  [00:15:01] 还有2分钟恢复时间,保持放松的状态。
  [00:16:30] 你的第二次极限就要来啦。
  [00:17:00] 好了!是时候再次奋力奔跑了。准备好了吗?一秒不差地奔跑4分钟吧。
  [00:18:00] 做得不错。保持节奏,想一些积极的事情。
  [00:19:05] 还有一半!每一分钟你都在变得更加强健。要知道,这不是一件容易的事。
  [00:20:06] 还有1分钟!继续保持这种强度。
  [00:21:10] 好样的!2个极限被干掉了。现在稍稍放松,稳定一下你的呼吸,4分钟时间。
  [00:22:59] 恢复时间还有2分钟,试着稳定你的呼吸。
  [00:24:00] 好了!好消息是,你快要完成训练的一半了;坏消息是,你要遇到下一个极限了。有人说接下来的10分钟会很累,不过跑有所值,出发!
  [00:26:00] 坚持!想象着自己正在奔上山坡,上面是一大片好风景。
  [00:27:00] 一半了,加油!记住,痛苦只是暂时的,退败却是永远的!
  [00:28:17] 用力摆臂。只剩30秒就可以休息了。
  [00:29:04] 太棒了!现在减速,保持稳定、轻松的节奏恢复4分钟。如果你感觉不适,你可以改为走,但不要停下。
  [00:30:55] 还有2分钟的恢复时间。试着保持体力迎接最后一次极限。
  [00:32:28] 还有30秒。准备好开始最后一个环节。
  [00:32:51] 就是这里!最后一奔!想象自己有一双有力的、飞快的腿和赛跑一样的力量。这是你最后的4分钟挑战,加油吧!
  [00:33:56] 你正在向前跑,只剩下3分钟了。
  [00:34:58] 加油!保持力量。胜利不仅靠腿,还要靠心。继续跑。
  [00:36:25] 只剩下30秒了!找到一个地标,往前跑,注视着它,完成最后一程。
  [00:37:04] 太牛了!你做到了!挑战结束了,现在到了欢乐派对时间。在接下来的4分钟里,减速到你热身时的速度。这项训练很累,但你提升了自己的能力。为你所做的骄傲一下吧,我会在结束的时候再与你对话。
  [00:39:04] 保持放松的感觉跑。冷静身体可以帮你避免受伤,减轻酸痛。
  [00:40:51] 好了,你成功了。努力终究会赢得胜利,不必经常吝啬自己的努力。拉伸一下,多喝些水,这样等你下次跑的时候会感觉不错。下次我们再见!^_^
发表于 2011-1-12 23:22 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-1-12 22:57 | 显示全部楼层
It is great, but the download speed is really terrible:(
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发表于 2011-1-12 21:33 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-1-13 15:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-1-13 15:23 | 显示全部楼层
[00:00:09] Hey, everybody! This is Lance Armstrong. Signing in this- your personal running coach- for the next 40 minutes. This **** workout is designed to improve your endurance and strengthing your key muscles, so you can run further in less effort. Make this workout a part of your regular routine, you'll become a mile-eating* and endurance machine. Are you ready to get to work? We'll begin an easy with 8 minutes of runing to warm up. Then you get a series of 4 inables*. You'll rap* up your speed for 4 minutes, then recover for 4 minutes. Speed up for 4, slow down for 4. Get the picture, nothing to it, right? We'll finish with a short cool-down at a comfortable pace. I'll tell you when to change speed and how much time you get left during the sense*. So pay attention. OK, here we go! Start running at a natural pace. Nothing too crazy here. Try to settle it to a nice, steady* drive.
  [00:03:07] Your legs should be awake now. Keep **** at a comfortable pace.
  [00:03:59] You've 3 minutes in your warm-up. Release unnecessary tension by relexing your face, shoulders and arms. You get 5 more minutes to warm up.
  [00:06:59] You should be feeling pretty good now. But if you're not, no worries! Every training day is different. The important thing is stick with it. Just a couple of minutes before the first inable.
  [00:08:46] Okey! You're ready to start really a moment*? Let's pick up the pace to about 80% of your maximum effort. This speech* if you're harder than you can sustain for a long time, like you can't carry on a conversation. Are you ready? Go strong for 4 minutes.
  [00:10:00] Nice work! Try to find your rhythm you can maintain for 3 more minutes.
  [00:11:01] You're half way there! Stay strong and steady.
  [00:12:30] Stay focused! Just 30 seconds left!
  [00:12:57] Great work! Now slow down and take the next 4 minutes to recover. Try not to drop all the way down to your warm-up pace. But keep it easy after feel prep. for the next inable.
  [00:15:01] 2 minutes left for recovery. Stay nice and relex.
  [00:16:30] Your second inable is coming right up.
  [00:17:00] Okey! It's time to hit that faster pace again. Are you ready? Give it 4 solid minutes.
  [00:18:00] You're doing great! Think positive and stay on pace.
  [00:19:05] Half way there! You're getting stronger by the minute. Remember, this is not supposed to be easy.
  [00:20:06] 1 minute to go! Keep your strength strong.
  [00:21:10] Way to go! That's 2 inables down. Now ease off a little and steady your breathing during this 4 minutes recovery.
  [00:22:59] You have 2 minutes in this recovery segment. Try to steady your breathing.
  [00:24:00] Enjoy this easy pace for another minute and start to syke* up for the third set.
  [00:24:49] Alright! The good news is, you're about the half way during this workout. The bad news is, you get another inable now. Someone that say it may tensely for another 10 minutes. Make it count! Go!
  [00:26:00] Keep it up! Think about getting up off your hills in more and* 4 feet and **** colors* forward*.
  [00:27:00] Half way there! Come on! Remember, pain is temporary, quitting last forever.
  [00:28:17] Keep those arms pumping. You've got just 30 seconds before the break.
  [00:29:04] Great stuff! Now slow down and recover for another 4 minutes at your steady, easy pace. But if you're feeling B*, you can walk this segment, but keep moving.
  [00:30:55] You've got 2 minutes left recover. Try to conserve your energy for your final inable.
  [00:32:28] 30 seconds to go. **** it now to doing your best on the last one.
  [00:32:51] This is it! One last push. Think strong, quick legs and a race-pace intensity. It's your last 4 minutes challenge, so go for it!
  [00:33:56] You're moving right along. Only 3 minutes left.
  [00:34:58] Come on! Stay tough. Winning is about heart, not just legs. Keep going.
  [00:36:25] Just 30 seconds left! Find a landmark, up ahead it, focus on it to the finish.
  [00:37:04] Perfect! You did it! The challenging part is over. And now it's party time. Take the next 4 minutes to slow down your warm-up level. This was a tough one but you were boosting your calio* and building ****. Take some pride in the hard work you just did. I'll (checking/check-in)* with you if you finish up.
  [00:39:04] Keep running easily. Cooling down now help prevent injuries and reduce soreness.
  [00:40:51] Alright! You've all done. Hard work always wins in the end. And you didn't skimp* it all of days. Stretch and drink plenty of water, so you feel ready when you hit the road again. I'll see you next time.




 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-13 15:51 | 显示全部楼层
嗯,那个也是我发的,但是有些单词听不懂,所以没有发在这里。 6# smileyolk




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