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发表于 2010-2-17 18:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 跑跑兔 于 2010-2-17 18:22 编辑


Chapter 20. How to Stay Young in Spirit Forever

第二十章 如何保持心态的永远年轻(节选)

1. Patience, kindness, love, good will, joy, happiness, wisdom, and understanding are qualities, which never grow old. Cultivate them and express them, and remain young in mind and body.
1. 耐心、善良、爱意、善意、欢乐、幸福、明智和理解是人身上好的特性,它们从不变老。通过培育它们、表达它们,保持在心灵和身体上的年轻。

2. The neurotic fear of the effects of time may well be the cause of premature aging.
2. 对年纪渐增的神经质般的忧虑,可能正是导致过早衰老的原因。

3. Age is not the flight of years; it is the dawn of wisdom in the mind of man.
3. 衰老并不是岁月飞逝,在人的意识中,它只是你心中智慧的开端。

4. The most productive years of your life can be from 65 to 95.
4. 在你生活中最能做出成绩可能会是在65岁到95岁之间。

5. Welcome the advancing years. It means you are moving higher on the path of life, which has no end.
5. 用积极的心态去迎接年纪渐增。它意味着你正在生活的道路上走向更高,而这条路并没有尽头。

6. God is Life, and that is your life now. Life is self-renewing, eternal, and indestructible, and is the reality of all humans. You live forever, because your life is God’s life.
6. 上帝就是生活,他现在正在保佑着你。生活是自我更新的、永恒的、不可毁灭的,是所有人类的真实存在。你是永生的,因为上帝与你同在。

7. You cannot see your mind, but you know you have a mind. You cannot see spirit, but you know that the spirit of the game, the spirit of the artist, the spirit of the musician, and the spirit of the speaker is real. Likewise, the spirit of goodness, truth, and beauty moving in your mind and heart are real. You cannot see life, but you know you are alive.
7. 你的意识是不可见的,但你知道它的真实存在。你的精神是不可见的,但你可以判断出某个游戏的热情,某个艺术家的激情,某个音乐家的激情,某个发言者的激情是否是真的。同样的,感动你的意识和心灵的真、善、美的热情是真的。生命的活力是不可见的,但你知道你自己是否活得快活。

8. Old age may be called the contemplation of the truths of God from the highest standpoint. The joys of old age are greater than those of youth. Your mind is engaged in spiritual and mental athletics. Nature slows down your body so that you may have the opportunity to meditate on things divine.
8. 人的晚年也许会被称作是“从最高的立场冥想上帝的真理。”晚年的快乐要多过年青时的快乐。你的意识忙于精神和心理上运动中。大自然使你的身体运作减速,这样一来,你可能有机会来好好思考超凡的事物。

9. We do not count a man’s years until he has nothing else to count. Your faith and convictions are not subject to decay.
9. 我们并不会去数一个人多大岁数,除非他没其它更好的事去做。你的信仰和信念不会衰减的。

10. You are as young as you think you are. You are as strong as you think you are. You are as useful as you think you are. You are as young as your thoughts.
10. 你认为自己是年轻的、强壮的、有用的,那么,你就会成为这样的人。你的思想有多年轻,你就有多年轻。




发表于 2010-2-17 19:00 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-17 18:17 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 跑跑兔 于 2010-2-17 18:22 编辑

11. Your gray hair is an asset. You are not selling your gray hairs. You are selling your talent, abilities, and wisdom, which you have garnered through the years.
11. 人越老越吃香。你吃香并不是因为你年纪大,而是你的才干、能力、智慧,而这些是你在变老的过程中积累的。

12. Fad diets and expensive pills won’t keep you young. As a man thinketh, so is he.
12. 食疗和昂贵的药片并不能使你保持年轻。“一个人心里想什么,他就会成为什么。”

13. Fear of old age can bring about physical and mental deterioration. The thing I greatly feared has come upon me.
13. 对晚年的恐惧会带来身体和心理上的衰老。“你越害怕发生什么事,那个事就会找上你。”

14. You grow old when you cease to dream, and when you lose interest in life. You grow old if you are irritable, crotchety, petulant, and cantankerous. Fill your mind with the truths of God and radiate the sunshine of His love—this is youth.
14. 当你不再有梦想,当你对生活失去兴趣时,你才会变老。当你易怒、任性、想法怪异、刚愎自用时,你才会变老。使你的心中充满上帝的真理,传播他的欢乐之源:爱——这才是保持年青的方式。

15. Look ahead, for at all times you are gazing into infinite life.
15. 向前看,因为,不论何时,你看到的生命都是无止境的。

16. Your retirement is a new venture. Take up new studies and new interests. You can now do the things you always wanted to do when you were so busy making a living. Give your attention to living life.
16. 退休对你来说是一个新的冒险历程。开始学习新的东西和建立新的兴趣。你以前忙于生计,有些事你一直想做的事却没做,你现在可以去做了。把的注意力投入到好好生活。

17. Become a producer and not a prisoner of society. Don’t hide your light under a bushel.
17. 成为社会的一个主持人,而不是一个囚徒。露出你的锋芒。

18. The secret of youth is love, joy, inner peace, and laughter. In God there is fullness of joy. In God there is no darkness at all.
18. 保持年青的秘密是爱、欢乐、内心的平静、笑声。上帝的心中全是欢乐,上帝的心中光明一片。

19. You are needed. Some of the great philosophers, artists, scientists, writers, and others accomplished their greatest work after they were 80 years old.
19. 这个世界需要你。一些伟大的哲学家、艺术家、作家等在他们80岁之后才完成了其最伟大的作品。

20. The fruits of old age are love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance.
20. 晚年所带来的好处有:爱、欢乐、平和、耐心、亲切、善意、忠实、温顺、稳健。

21. You are a child of the Infinite Life, which knows no end. You are a heir of Eternity. You are wonderful!
21. 你是无止境的永生的一个产物。你是永世的一个产物。你是不可思议的!
发表于 2010-2-17 20:38 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-2-18 10:05 | 显示全部楼层
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